above left, from Queens World Film Festival 2024____ above right, bts photo from "SkyLife"

--I'll be playing a few songs in Thomas Simon's acoustic show at Bowery Electric, NYC, in the Map Room, Wednesday, July 24th, 10 pm - Kenny Margolis (Cracker) will be a Special Guest as well, on the accordion.
--“Real, True, 100 Percent Love” (my feature screenplay) won the Platinum Script-Writing Award at the WRPN Women's International Film Festival! Honored :) --And "A Chance" received Honorable Mention -- and has ended it's festival run after 14 awards and two Honorable Mentions in 28 festivals! Distribution/where to watch TBA...
--My feature screenplay “Real, True, 100 Percent Love” is a Quarter-Finalist in the Big Apple Film Festival
--"New Moon", the satirical web-series I’m in, screened on opening night at the Queens World Film Festival (I star in ep. 1, as Kim, the Carnival Cruise customer service rep, alongside Ken Forman who wrote and directed the very funny series). ---It can be seen at www.newmoonseries.com
--And my short film “A Chance” received Honorable Mention at Influx Magazine’s Influx Film Awards.
--Performed in a developmental reading of "Illusions", a new musical by Donald Loftus, based on the life of performer Julian Eltinge, at the Dramatists Guild. I played Julia, the protagonist's Irish mother. "Illusions" will be performed next in early 2025 in an Equity workshop production.
--Also at the Dramatist Guild, I did a staged reading of new play "The Diary" by Claude Solnik, playing Edith Frank, Anne Frank's mother.
--I'll be performing in two staged readings of "Mississippi Summer", a powerful new play by Art Feinglass, playing Judith Rosen, a civil rights activist/early member of the SNCC, at the Lambs Club, 3 W. 51st. St., NYC, Wed. Feb. 7th at 7 pm and Sat. Feb. 10th at 2 pm
--My feature film screenplay "Real, True 100 Percent Love" was selected as a Finalist in the California Women's Film Festival! -And was selected as a Semi-Finalist in the Page Turner Screenplay Competition - in the top 10! ------We've also been given early notification that it's an Official Selection in the WRPN Women's International Film Festival, along with "A Chance". The festival will take place in June.
--And Thomas Simon and I did an interview/had a great conversation with Matthew Toffollo for the WildSound Film Podcast, on "A Chance" after I received an award for "Best Direction" at the Toronto Feedback Female Film Festival -- which can be heard at this link- https://www.wildsoundpodcast.com/the-film-podcast-by-wildsound/2024/1/12/ep-1087-filmmakers-jillie-simon-thomas-simon-a-chance
--"A Chance" screened Sunday Dec. 4th at the Cinemark 18 & XD Theater, Culver City and won the award for BEST LBGTQ Film at the Culver City Film Festival.
--And a very funny web-series I'm part of, "New Moon", by (& starring) Ken Forman, received BEST TV-WEB SERIES-FILM at the Television Feedback, Screenplay & Web Series Festival, it's 5th fest. The series and trailer can now be seen at - https://www.newmoonseries.com/watch
--Happy, healthy Holidays, hope they're warm and wonderful!
-----Honored to be invited to do an interview for a series on Authority Magazine (on Medium) called "Inspirational Women in Hollywood-
-- link - - https://medium.com/authority-magazine/inspirational-women-in-hollywood-how-jillie-simon-of-endorphin-records-is-helping-to-shake-up-the-5706a8d65057
-----Did a Zoom performance of "Someone Like Me" by Richard Gustin for Chicago's UBI Theater, and a Zoom reading of "Going to the Chapel", a comedy by Michael Z. Murphy, with "States of Play".
----And "A Chance" was awarded BEST DIRECTION in the Toronto Feedback Female Film Festival. --Here's link for the interview I gave about the film-https://matthewtoffolo.com/2023/11/21/filmmakers-jillie-simon-ange-arabatzis-a-chance/
-----Happy to be cast in the feature film "Ruxton Hills", a horror film by Marvalee Peart, playing the role of Samantha Cavanaugh. Shoot date is currently slated for April 2024.
-----And just did an interview with Valerie Merino of the Hollywood Times, spotlighting our film "Hungry" for Hunger Action Month. Here's the link --https://thehollywoodtimes.today/thomas-jillie-simon-speak-up-with-child-hunger-with-their-film-hungry/
-----"A Chance" is an Official Selection of the New York Independent Film Festival and will be available online from Sept. 4 - 6. And "A Chance" also received a beautiful review from "FilmNet", which is on the press page. --------------A couple of excerpts- "As Mia (Jillie Simon) and Caroline (Karen Irwin) navigate through their resurrected conflicts and burgeoning sparks, the audience is treated to a masterclass in acting. The performances are nuanced and deeply affecting, with each actress bringing a raw vulnerability to her role." ------ "a cinematic gem"
----- "A Chance" screened at CineMark 18 and XD in Marina Del Rey, on June 14th, as part of the Marina Del Rey Film Festival.
-----And I played Sandy, a "relationship robot" in the hilarious sci-fi satire "Erosbot", by Tom Nevin, in a staged reading at Smush Gallery, Jersey City on June 4th. Also starring Ken Forman, Rachael Parenta, Tom Paolino. Plans are in the works for a pod-cast of the series.
----Performed the role of Nicole in powerful new drama "Home Sick" by Jon Marans in a table read at The Barrow Group, NYC. Nicole's sister Ember was played by Bettina Bilger, and Sal Rendino played Ember's husband in this play about childhood abuse and memory.
---Did a table read of Richard Lyons Conlon's short play "Is, Was, Isnt' at The Greenhouse Ensemble, playing the role of Hal, a "smart-ass" AI.
-----CrossWays Theatre’s Women’s Festival, which was re-scheduled to April 30th, played to a packed house/wonderful appreciative audience! ------ I performed a piece I wrote- “Stand Up”, a comedic rant- and also played the lead role of Kati Rado, in Act 1 of Lionelle Hamanaka’s play “Refuge(e)”, directed by Michelle Macau, based on a true story. Kati was a film star, writer, concentration camp escapee and partisan fighter from Hungary who fled to the U.S. ---The other terrific, award-winning playwrights in the festival were Bina Sharif, Kathleen Potts and Carol Kahn.
-----My film "A Chance" was selected to and screened in the Beyond Hollywood International Film Festival in LA, April 21st, at the Regal LA Live Theaters. I was honored to be one of the 2 actresses who were nominated for Best Actress, and happy that "A Chance" was nominated for Best LGBTQ film.
-----Also did 2 readings from 2 wonderful new plays, the hilarious "Scammers Scamming" by Michael DiGaetano, and the touching "The Macaroni Maker" by Leslie Corn" -- and also performed in a fun short comedy "Rich Pickings" by Rex Macgregor in the AndTheater Company's "Anything Goes" series.
-----"Hair of the Dog" moving forward! Did a table read with director Alan Souza, and playwright Tim Young, of his very funny screwball comedy. Looking forward to next steps.
----- I had the pleasure of playing Mrs. Cheveley in Oscar Wilde's "An Ideal Husband" as Guest Artist with Chicago's Ubiquitous Players, online.
And have been asked to do a solo piece for Crossways Theater's Women's Festival, which will be Sunday March 26th from 2:00 - 5:00. More details to come ---the festival is postponed, due to COVID - Rescheduled date is TBA
-----I was honored to receive a Best Actress award for my work in "A Chance" at the Cutting Room International Short Film Festival 2023, in addition to having a warmly received and well-attended screening the day before.
-----And performed in a reading of Richard Lyons Conlin's short play "Covid Cohab" in an online showcase of new Short Plays with Chicago's Ubiquitous Players.
-----Also performed in an online reading of Rex McGregor's play "All's Fair in Tug of War" in AndTheatre's online series "Anything Goes".
DECEMBER 2022: -
----- "A Chance" is a nominee in the Cutting Room International Short Film Festival, NYC - our 22nd fest - and will be screening on January 29, 2023
---And I did a table read of "My Life in Three Easy Payments" a terrific pilot script by Breeze Vicenz and Darryl Wharton-Rigby, in which I play Valerie Milton, a QVC host.
-----A wild comedy I'm in, "Gail's New Boyfriend", directed by Jim Mendrinos (New Media Comedy) has received distribution from GreenApple Entertainment- now a feature film, it's streaming on Amazon Prime and FreeVee. I play Trish, a news anchor.
---A Chance will screen Nov. 30th at The Chinese Theater in Hollywood, CA. part of HollyShorts Screening Series - & then will be on their BitPix Channel Dec. 1 - 4 - BitpixTV.com
-A Chance also screened Nov. 13th at the Laemmle Monica Theater in Santa Monica, as part of the Ethos Film Awards
-----Was offered a role in an industrial video for IntraLinks- "IntraVision", by Tim Young, directed by Nicholas Strini, which we shot in late October.
-----"A Chance" screened on Friday Oct. 21st at the Long Island Film Festival, where we won a Best Actress award and were also nominated for Best ScreenPlay, Produced.
-----I'll be performing in an online workshop reading of "The Man With The Floppy Ears", a comedy/mystery by Elwhy Jones & Philip Reissman, produced by Carolyn M. Brown of the My True Colors Festival on August 7th. - Set in the '30's, I play Anna Bach, a nightclub singer and Lefty Ledowitz, a Russian gangster's accomplice and wife.
-----And "A Chance" has been selected to screen in the fabulous 2022 CINEMA DIVERSE: The LGBTQ+ PALM SPRINGS FILM FESTIVAL, now in it's 15th year, which will take place starting on Sept. 15, 2022; screening date is Sept. 18.
-----"A Chance" has been invited to screen in HOLLYSHORTS Online Screening Series coming up this November! --HollyShorts is on MovieMaker Magazine's Top 50 Film Festivals list...screening Nov. 30, online, Dec. 1 -4
-----And I was invited to perform in two new pieces in Chicago's Ubiquitous Players online Zoom event Monologia IV -- 26 playwrights, 18 actors.
-----I've been performing in more wonderful short plays, including Rex MacGregor's homage to film noir in which I played a glam socialite in AndTheater Company's online series, and Jenifer Kelly's short comedic piece, "Ladies Night", playing a regretful adulterer.
-----Also doing developmental readings of Donald Loftus's new play "Theatre", based on Somerset Maugham's novel "Theatre", playing the protagonist, Julia.
-----Doing lots of play readings on Zoom, including John Esposito's short comedic play "God", in which I played a former starlet at the pearly gates in AndTheatre Company's "Anything Goes" series and "Shul Shopping" at the "Plays and Pizza" reading series, where I played a loving daughter helping her Dad after his stroke.
-----My film "A Chance" was an Official Selection of Toronto Film Magazine's film festival and of Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema - and we were awarded the Mary Austin Excellence in Screenwriting Award! And I also received a Best Actress nomination, as well as nominations for Best Featurette, and Best Director.
---And I'll be performing in Art Feinglass's play "Jacob's Stepladder" at Polaris North on April 20th, 7 pm, part of the short play series Plays and Pizza (Polaris North, 4th floor, 245 W. 29th St., NYC)
JANUARY 2022: Happy New Year all!
Had a wonderful time working with Ken Forman and Tal Shamir, and playing Kim, a thoroughly unhelpful rep at Carnival Cruise, at the shoot of "New Moon".
DECEMBER 2021: I've been cast in Ken Forman's web-series "New Moon" and will be playing a supporting role in the first episode, shooting in January 2021.
--And just played Jilly the Goatherder in a sweet and funny short play ""Don't Trip-Trap on My Lonely Heart" by Robin Rice, (very) loosely based on the Norwegian fairy tale "Three Billy Goats Gruff", part of "Plays & Pizza", directed by Art Feinglass.
NOVEMBER: Our film "Hungry" was invited to screen at the Skiptown International Film Festival, CA, and was awarded 'Best Film with a Message.
--Back in NYC, reading for new comedy "Hair of the Dog" by Tim Young went wonderfully (for more on that, see the Oct. news below).
OCTOBER - I've been cast in new comedy "Hair of the Dog", by Tim Young, playing the lead female role of Juliet, an actress, loved by two rivalrous brothers. The play is projected to start it's run at the WestBank Theater, NYC in 2022.
---And our film "A Chance" will be at the fabulous Awareness Festival next (our 16th fest!) -- Screening date is Saturday Oct. 30th, 2 pm block at the Regal Cinemas, LA Live. --Update: "A Chance" was honored with an Award of Merit.
--And Thomas Simon and I were invited back as Guest Artists on UK radio podcast Y.H.H.T.M. , which was a lot of fun - and which you can hear, here-- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O_tm9T5XVCk&feature=youtu.be
SEPTEMBER - Filmed Marvalee Peart's proof of concept short "Skylife", playing Diana Spencer, head flight attendant, along with Jim Thalman who plays the Captain (BTS photo, from the set of "SkyLife", is above right).
---And was spotlit by the fab Venice Paparrazzi, on their front page, in an interview in advance of "A Chance"'s screening in Venice, CA, at the legendary Beyond Baroque, part of the 2021 Other Venice Film Festival on Sat. Oct. 2nd at 7:45 pm. Here's link- - ( -& BTS photo from "A Chance, is above left) - https://www.venicepaparazzi.com/2021/09/01/jilliesimon2021/ --"The Incoherents”, in which I play Chrissie, Keith the bass-player's loving girlfriend, & which stars Jeff Auer, Annette O'Toole, Kate Arrington, Amy Carlson, will be the Opening Night feature film, 8 pm.
---I was also interviewed by Carmela Baranowska for the wonderful site "We are Moving Stories on "A Chance" - here's link to that - https://www.wearemovingstories.com/.../kmrr432h25yct34pf2...
AUGUST --- I was interviewed on Entertainment Network Live, by Oliver Estreich - here's link to the interview - - https://www.thenativesociety.com/questionables/2021/7/30/jillie-simon-actor-producer-writer-singersongwriter-amp-director
--And more airplay! --In the UK -Was spotlit as Artist of the Week on "You Haven't Heard This Music" podcast --a fun, entertaining podcast “spotlighting lesser known music that’s easily on par- as good if not better- than that in the mainstream” -You can check out the interview & song -"Save Our Planet", Thomas Simon on guitar, keys, bass & the Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Indigo Girls) on drums & percussions--here - https://www.spreaker.com/user/yhhtmpc/jillie-thomas-simon ---& here’s another episode of the podcast w/ our song as well other cool songs, here - https://www.spreaker.com/.../midnight-live-todays-new...
JULY ---Performed in a reading of a new two-person comedy by Rex McGregor called "Welcome to Belarus"
--Our short film "A Chance" will be screening in the Brighton Rocks Film Festival on July 19 - 25, it will be online only, because of COVID - https://www.rocksfestivals.com/screenings-2021.html -- please stay well and safe all, and get vaxxed if your health allows it!!
-----"A Chance" has been selected to ReelheART International Film Festival, nominated for Best Short Film and Best LGBT Film, screening in Toronto, Canada, online July 8th. -- www.reelheart.org .
-----"A Chance" was honored with the Best Ensemble award at the Brightside Film Festival!
-----We've also begun receiving airplay on the show "Heartbeat" on FM4, Austria's alternative rock station, for our new song "Save Our Planet" (that I'd written with Thomas Simon, and on which the amazing Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Indigo Girls) plays drums. Here's link to the show, which also includes songs from Morcheeba, Radiohead, Nick Drake, Liz Phair, Regina Spector, Stevie Nicks, etc. - https://fm4.orf.at/player/20210531/4HE
MAY --------Our short film "A Chance" has gotten into the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival which will be online, May 10 - 15th, and will also be at the Brightside Film Festival (LIVE!) on Sun. May 16th (where it's been nominated for BEST ACTRESS/DRAMA- Jillie Simon, BEST DRAMA, BEST SCRIPT/PRODUCED , and BEST ENSEMBLE.
----------------We've also been given early acceptance at Brighton Rocks Film Festival, Brighton, England, which will take place this July and which will be "A Chance"'s 14th festival!
APRIL ----I was interviewed on IndieVisible's podcast which will be released in June, along with a review of my film "Hungry". -Will post links when I get them.
---I've been cast in a new indie pilot - "SkyLife", by MarvaLee Peart, in one of the lead roles (Diana Spenser, the head stewardess). - We'll be shooting some scenes for a proof-of-concept short this coming Sept. 2021.
--- Released a new song, "Save Our Planet", created with Thomas Simon (my brilliant musical partner, composer and producing partner), and with the amazing Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Sarah McLachlan, Paul McCartney, Joan Armatrading, Indigo girls) on drums & percussions, & it is now available on Pandora, Spotify, I-Tunes, Apple Music, etc- here's link- - https://jilliesimon.hearnow.com/?fbclid=IwAR05b7JVMLpqC0kejvpc0fAgieUaPLUO9bYbaayxL9aYRRtqhcyOBC2UEpA
---And ran the Socially Relevant Film Festival's Script Competition once again -& the Online Reading of excerpts from the 5 Finalist Scripts took place on Monday March 15th at 5:30 PM. The audience gave beautiful and very enthusiastic feedback. Congratulations to all! --On the SRFF webpage you can see the script names and their authors, loglines and full cast. https://www.ratedsrfilms.org/scriptwriting-finalists-2021
I was cast as one of the lead characters, Liza Antonio, a happily divorced owner of a hair salon, in a new indie tv series called "The Proxy Cure", a lovely dramedy by Marie Smalley. And two of my scenes were shot this month for the sizzle reel.
Happy New Year all! -So glad it's 2021 -much more health, peace, love, light, prosperity, laughter and justice for all! ----And in my latest news, I recently gave an interview to the terrific film & food site Tinsel & Tine (12/30) - here's a lovely excerpt & the link --"Hungry is such a charming way to make a statement about a sad and all too real subject matter. And timely now more than ever, with so many being food insecure during the Pandemic." - Le Ann Lindsay.
--We've had more than 500,000 views of the trailer so far, and wonderful response after the release of our film by distribution company IndiePix Films in late Sept.
October 2020:
--Shot my part, one of the lead roles, in "Bitter Cup", part of feature film “9ine Lives” a horror anthology of shorts - and happy to be working once again with wonderful writer-director Thomas Ryan Ward (whose screwball comedy/farce "As Seen on TV", I'd performed in a staged reading of ) and actor/producer Grayson Berry.
---Our latest film "A Chance" screened Sunday Oct. 18th at the ShowLow Film Festival in Arizona, with multiple nominations.
Our film "Hungry" was released by IndiePix Films and is now streaming worldwide-- here's the landing page -https://www.hungry.movie
-I will be reading scripts for the Socially Relevant Film Festival NY once again, my 5th year running the Script-writing Competition (-for which I always wish I was allowed a couple more finalist slots for some of the really terrific, socially relevant films I've had the pleasure of reading!)
"A Chance" was selected to the wonderful Brightside Tavern Shorts Fest Film Series, and has been nominated for BEST ACTRESS/DRAMA- Jillie Simon, BEST DRAMA, BEST SCRIPT/PRODUCED, and BEST ENSEMBLE. The festival's been postponed from August to a potential live date TBA - meanwhile, stay well & safe!
June: "Hungry" was acquired for distribution by the wonderful IndiePix Films - we'll keep you posted on the platforms it will be appearing on, as soon as we know...
-I participated in a Zoom table read of a new feature film by Thomas Castigliano...
-And our film "A Chance" screened in the online version of the 2020 Socially Relevant Film Festival Sat. June 27th - and the Socially Relevant Script Competition Finalist Staged Reading was moved onto a Zoom platform.
March: -I hope you are doing well during this unsettling and difficult/sad time, and staying healthy and creative. ---The 2020 Socially Relevant Film Festival has been postponed - the screening of my film "A Chance" and the Screenplay Competition Finalists Staged Reading that I'm directing and performing in, along with a wonderful ensemble of actors, will be moved to a date TBA.
---And rock & roll comedy “The Incoherents” (dir. Jared Barel), will be released by Gravitas Ventures on VOD April 28 after a terrific festival run- & the producers shared that we're one of the top selling pre-ordered films on iTunes! - https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-incoherents/id1501037491
---“Hungry”, nearing the end of it’s amazing festival run (--with a few events still to come- "Hungry" was going to be awarded at the Vegas Movie Awards in May, now postponed, and was invited to be one of the inaugural films in My Indie Short Festival in L.A. in Oct-) -— has been offered distribution by an awesome company- more details to come!
---Meanwhile I hope that you & your loved ones stay safe, healthy, cozy and creative amidst this unprecedented time. Love & light,
February 2020:
I’m directing the Socially Relevant Film Festival’s Staged Reading of the Screenplay Finalists again this year. I’ve cast 20 wonderful actors for the ensemble, which I’ll also be a part of, to read 12 page excerpts of terrific scripts, on March 17th. The scripts that in competition will be judged by a jury consisting of Robert Schenkkan ("All The Way"), Rachel Carey ("Ask for Jane") and a third, international judge.
My short film “A Chance” is also honored to be an Official Selection at the festival, to play Sat. March 21 at Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St., NYC
December 2019:
At the X World International Short Film Festival in Rome, Italy, I was honored to win an award for “Outstanding Actress” for my role in "Hungry", co-starring Eric Roberts, as well as winning “Outstanding Actress” for my role in our new film “A Chance”! --"Hungry" also won Directorial Excellence. And "A Chance”, also won an award for Best Drama -and was just selected to it's 10th festival.
--After winning numerous Best Feature Film awards at film festivals, the feature film "The Incoherents", directed by Jared Barel (with Amy Carlson & Annette O'Toole) - in which I played Chrissie, the supportive, yogini girlfriend to the bass player Keith (Walter Hoffman) - signed a distribution deal... more news about that TBA in 2020... Happy New Year all!!
"Hungry" just won Best Social Message Film at Festival Angaelica - & at the Vegas Movie Awards, we won Best Inspirational Film & I won a Best Actress award (14th award!), so "Hungry" will be screening at their Annual Festival event in Las Vegas in May --I was also nominated for Best Female Filmmaker for our new film "A Chance" at Glendale International Film Festival.
-Just did a reading of terrific writer/comedienne Elizabeth Croydon's new screenplay "District of Cannibis" at Val Kilmer's HelMel Studio, L.A.
-"A Chance" will screen at the Skiptown Playhouse, Los Angeles, this Mon. Oct. 28 at 4 pm.
-- I'll be doing a reading of another terrific screenplay, "KillSwitch" by Jackie Powell, as part of NY Women in Film & TV's New Works Lab Showcase on Wed. Oct. 30th at 6 pm
--& I've been featured in Broadway World's article on the upcoming Off Broadway show "Altered Minds" - https://www.broadwayworld.com/off-broadway/article/ALTERED-MINDS-Announces-AEA-Showcase-Cast-20191020
Just shot the role of Evelyn in "Entrapment" by writer/dir. Natalie Huggins, playing the manipulative ex-girlfriend in this two-hander on obsessive love and deception.
---Prior to that, I worked on an additional scene for the film "Summer of '70" by Sean O'Connor (a proof of concept short for the upcoming feature) in which I play Liz O'Brien, mother to the 15 year old protagonist.
----I've also been pinned for a Guest Star role in a CBS series----
----And my new film "A Chance" has been selected to the Skiptown Playhouse International Film Festival in Hollywood.
----And I've been asked to reprise my role in "Phone Friends", by Jonathan Josephson, dir. Judy Dodd, playing a lonely writer/comedian/blogger in the run of "Altered Minds", a collection of 10 minute plays, all with a theme relating to mental health, Nov. 29th - Dec. 8th at the American Theater of Actors, 314 W. 54th St., NYC.
"A Chance" was awarded Best LGBT Short or Feature at Action of Film Festival - and "Lost", a music video in which I played the lead performer, was awarded Best Musical.
-I played Mona Dibiassi in a scene in proof-of-concept short "Infiltration" for Marvalee Peart's FBI/Mafia mini-series "Infiltrated". And "Hungry" was invited into another festival! ---We'll screen as part of the Festival Angaelica this October which is part of the (newly branded) Catalyst Content Festival, formerly ITV Fest.
Our latest short film "A Chance" will be screening as part of the Action on Film Festival/AOF Megafest, on Friday, July 26th 6 pm block, Brendan Theater, Las Vegas, NV. Music video "Lost" (Thomas Simon), in which I play the Dream Muse, will be playing in the MegaFest as well - in the Hollywood Dreamz Film Festival - screening Thursday Aug. 1st., 10 pm. --And "Hungry" was chosen as a Finalist in Anabelle Munro's Most Important Films 2019.
I've been cast in The Alternative Theater Co.'s Altered Minds Reading Series of short plays, in "Warpaholics" and "Phone Friends" happening Monday, June 3rd at 7 pm -FREE event - here's link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/altered-minds-june-3rd-reading-tickets-61477370470?aff=efbeventtix --and I've also been cast in a short film "The Entrapment", writer-director Natalie Huggins. I'll be playing the one of the two leads - the manipulative ex-girlfriend of the protaganist. The shoot is scheduled for September 2019.
Did a staged reading of Thomas Ryan Ward's screwball comedy "As Seen On TV", in the role of playful socialite Victoria Lockwood, in the Dramatist Guild's "Footlight Series" at the Middletown Arts Center. --And our new film "A Chance" is an Official Selection in the Big Apple Film Festival 2019 Spring Edition ("25 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee", top "25 Coolest Film Festivals" & CBS New York's "5 Best Events in New York”) and will have it's World Premiere on Saturday May 18th, in the 8:15 block, Cinepolis Theater, 23rd St. at 8th Ave.
The play "The Silencer" was nominated for Best Play at WinterFest Theater Festival - here's a bit of the rave review in the Times Square Chronicles -"It is hard to single anyone out as they worked as a team. Rare and quite wonderful. Bravo...wonderful performances...a team working together like a well-oiled machine. ...top notch work."
-----"The Incoherents", rocknroll dramedy that I'm in, premiered at the Queens World Film Festival, nominated for Best Comedy, played next at the Garden State Film Festival, winning the award for the best Home-Grown Feature and will play next at the Soho International Film festival. -----And my film "Hungry" played it's 28th film festival in the Katra Film Series' SideBar Edition and was honored with Honorable Mention & Runner Up, Audience Choice Award.
Happy New Year, all!!!
--A dramedy I'm in, "Prince Harming" (dir. Marianne Hettinger), had it's premiere this month at the Big Apple Film Festival's Womens filmmaker Showcase - & also won Best Drama at Switzerland Intl. Film Festival. It will play next at the Idyllwild Film Festival.
---And I've been cast in a new black comedy, "The Silencer", by Howard Zuckerman, directed by Sarah MacDonnell, which will be part of the WinterFest Theater Festival playing at the Hudson Guild Theater, February 26, March 2nd and March 3rd. I'll be playing one of the lead roles of Detective Katie Hart in this dark and funny play. "Following his wife’s death at the hands of a negligent cell-phone-speaking driver, a man takes the law into his own hands by killing rude phone users."
For tickets, & more details, go to -http://newyorktheaterfestival.com/the-silencer/
Working on a new short I've been cast in, "Monkeys Hate Clowns", by Mauro Fernandez, a black comedy 'in the vein of "Fargo" and "Boogie Nights"'.
--And our film "A Chance" has been completed - the trailer is now on my Acting Reel & More Clips page (the 3rd clip, will be titled asap)
And I was honored this month to be interviewed by writer Yitzi Weiner, (Authority Magazine, Forbes, Inc., Huffington Post, etc) - just named by Medium as one of their top writers --here’s the interview --
I was interviewed the other week by the wonderful Raymond James for his show on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) which will be airing soon, details TBA... and "Hungry" will be screening at The Producers Club, as part of the World Film Fair, this Sunday evening, October 28th.
Honored -At the Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Festival I won the Best Actress award, and at the San Diego International Kids Film Festival, Hungry won the Make A Difference Award! --Meanwhile, "Hungry" has been Officially Selected to two more festivals, the Awareness Festival, happening late Sept./early Oct., specific date TBA, and the World Film Fair, which is late October... I was also cast in and shot a role on web-series "The Connection", dir. Andrew Froening. I'll be heading to Europe on Aug. 30th to mix our next film "A Chance" at top sound studio, T-On Studios in Vienna, and will be shooting the pilot of the upcoming mini-series"Infiltrated", in New York, in the Fall.
I've been asked to play a role in short film "Imitate The Sun" by Sean O'Connor, multi-Emmy Winner William Electric Black will direct, and the shoot is in August. This short will be used to garner interest in the feature film of the same name.
And the "Hungry" screening at the Long Island Intl. Film Expo went wonderfully -the next screening of Hungry will be at Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Fest, Sunday Aug. 5th, Jersey City, NJ -and I've been nominated for Best Actress, Alex Emanuel has been nominated for Best Actor and we also have a nomination for Best Ensemble! http://www.brightsidetavernfilmfestival.com/ ---"Hungry" has also been selected to the San Diego International Kids Film Festival, San Diego, CA - (which will be our 23rd film festival screening!) the fest is Aug. 24th - Aug. 26th - screening date is still TBA
The play I'm currently in, "Grace is Good" has been extended due to sold-out houses! --It will run until June 24th at Theater For the New City. Here's the link once again for tickets --- https://www.smarttix.com/Modules/Sales/SalesMainTabsPage.aspx?ControlState=1&SalesEventId=7627&DC= ----In other news, we had a table-read for the thriller "Infiltrated" by MarvaLee Peart, in which I'll now be playing the lead role of Mona DiBiassi, wife of Mafia boss, Sergio DiBiassi (Jim Thalman) - shooting will begin early October 2018. ----- "Hungry" got a write-up on the entertainment website The Knockturnal, article by Jake Alan King --- https://theknockturnal.com/film-review-hungry/ -----And another festival screening is happening for "Match", directed by Brian Siebert, we've been selected to the 2018 Albuquerque Film and Music Experience!
-Here's link for details on the play I'm currently in, "Grace is Good", by Claude Solnick, opening Thursday May 31st at the Theater For A New City -and for tickets --- https://www.smarttix.com/Modules/Sales/SalesMainTabsPage.aspx?ControlState=1&SalesEventId=7627&DC=
--And more festivals are coming up for "Hungry"! We have been Officially Selected to the Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE) , screening July 18th in Bellmore, N.Y., and have also been Officially Selected to the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival, end of July/August, exact dates TBA
Just wrapped on feature film "Beyond Adversity", writer/director Kaneesha Heath, which shot upstate in Corning, N.Y. - another wonderful team and experience! - And I've begun rehearsal for new play "Grace is Good", by Claude Solnik
---And short film "Match" directed by Brian W. Siebert, in which I play one of the leads, has just gotten into it's 3rd festival -it'll be playing at Cinema Village (22 E. 12 St.) in the Manhattan Film Festival on Sat. April 21st in the 7:00 pm block
--Lovely to have been interviewed by Dr. Steeve Copeau for the film site NYIHA [-NYIHA Media offers award-winning programming spanning artist interviews, current affairs and entertainment formats.] ----- Here's link- - http://www.nyiha.com/
--And I'm directing and performing in the SR Socially Relevant Film Festival 2019's Screenplay Finalist Readings - 7 wonderful scripts, 17 terrific actors- Thursday March 22nd, 3:30 pm at Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St., NYC
--I've been cast in a Poetry Electric Special Black History Event: RICHARD WESLEY - SCENES, SCRIPTS, & DELIVERED (I'M YOURS), Series Director: William Electric Black, FEB. 27TH - 7:30PM - La Mama, 66 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003
--I've also been cast in feature film "Beyond Diversity" by Kaneesha Heath in the role of Rebekah, pregnant & engaged to a war veteran with PTSD. -Terrific script, I'm excited to start filming in mid April.--And short film "Match", dir. Brian W. Siebert, in which I play one of the leads, is Official Selection at Bermuda International Film Festival!
--And I'll once again be directing the SR Socially Relevant Film Festival's Screenplay Finalist Readings- it's a pleasure to be gathering a cast of some of NYC's finest actors for seven terrific screenplays. The reading will be Thursday March 22nd, 3:30 pm at Cinema Village
--And another screening! -Hungry has been invited to screen in Artemis Women In Action Film Festival's "Family Matters" block at the Monica Laemmle Theater, Santa Monica, Los Angeles on Saturday April 27th - for tickets, go to http://www.artemisfilmfestival.com/2018-festival/2018-schedule/
January 2018 - A Very Happy New Year to all!! - peace & light, prosperity, health & joy
Was asked to play the lead role in short film "The Lift" by multi-award-winning writer/director Darva Campbell, shoot date, TBA
Performed in sketch comedy series Liquid Courage at Uprights Citizens Brigade, Chelsea
---"Hungry" is an Official Selection of the 2017 Glendale International Film Festival and will screen Friday October 20th at the UA8 Theater, 1919 Verdugo Blvd, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011 in the 2 pm Shorts Block
Cast in comedy series "Gail's New Boyfriend" in the role of Trisha, an anchorwoman at the local news station. Marcos Berrios & Jim Mendrinos, producers.
- And "Hungry" screened at the Brenden Theaters at the Palms Casino, Las Vegas as part of the Hollywood Dreamz Film Festival
--I'll be playing a few songs in Thomas Simon's acoustic show at Bowery Electric, NYC, in the Map Room, Wednesday, July 24th, 10 pm - Kenny Margolis (Cracker) will be a Special Guest as well, on the accordion.
--“Real, True, 100 Percent Love” (my feature screenplay) won the Platinum Script-Writing Award at the WRPN Women's International Film Festival! Honored :) --And "A Chance" received Honorable Mention -- and has ended it's festival run after 14 awards and two Honorable Mentions in 28 festivals! Distribution/where to watch TBA...
--My feature screenplay “Real, True, 100 Percent Love” is a Quarter-Finalist in the Big Apple Film Festival
--"New Moon", the satirical web-series I’m in, screened on opening night at the Queens World Film Festival (I star in ep. 1, as Kim, the Carnival Cruise customer service rep, alongside Ken Forman who wrote and directed the very funny series). ---It can be seen at www.newmoonseries.com
--And my short film “A Chance” received Honorable Mention at Influx Magazine’s Influx Film Awards.
--Performed in a developmental reading of "Illusions", a new musical by Donald Loftus, based on the life of performer Julian Eltinge, at the Dramatists Guild. I played Julia, the protagonist's Irish mother. "Illusions" will be performed next in early 2025 in an Equity workshop production.
--Also at the Dramatist Guild, I did a staged reading of new play "The Diary" by Claude Solnik, playing Edith Frank, Anne Frank's mother.
--I'll be performing in two staged readings of "Mississippi Summer", a powerful new play by Art Feinglass, playing Judith Rosen, a civil rights activist/early member of the SNCC, at the Lambs Club, 3 W. 51st. St., NYC, Wed. Feb. 7th at 7 pm and Sat. Feb. 10th at 2 pm
--My feature film screenplay "Real, True 100 Percent Love" was selected as a Finalist in the California Women's Film Festival! -And was selected as a Semi-Finalist in the Page Turner Screenplay Competition - in the top 10! ------We've also been given early notification that it's an Official Selection in the WRPN Women's International Film Festival, along with "A Chance". The festival will take place in June.
--And Thomas Simon and I did an interview/had a great conversation with Matthew Toffollo for the WildSound Film Podcast, on "A Chance" after I received an award for "Best Direction" at the Toronto Feedback Female Film Festival -- which can be heard at this link- https://www.wildsoundpodcast.com/the-film-podcast-by-wildsound/2024/1/12/ep-1087-filmmakers-jillie-simon-thomas-simon-a-chance
--"A Chance" screened Sunday Dec. 4th at the Cinemark 18 & XD Theater, Culver City and won the award for BEST LBGTQ Film at the Culver City Film Festival.
--And a very funny web-series I'm part of, "New Moon", by (& starring) Ken Forman, received BEST TV-WEB SERIES-FILM at the Television Feedback, Screenplay & Web Series Festival, it's 5th fest. The series and trailer can now be seen at - https://www.newmoonseries.com/watch
--Happy, healthy Holidays, hope they're warm and wonderful!
-----Honored to be invited to do an interview for a series on Authority Magazine (on Medium) called "Inspirational Women in Hollywood-
-- link - - https://medium.com/authority-magazine/inspirational-women-in-hollywood-how-jillie-simon-of-endorphin-records-is-helping-to-shake-up-the-5706a8d65057
-----Did a Zoom performance of "Someone Like Me" by Richard Gustin for Chicago's UBI Theater, and a Zoom reading of "Going to the Chapel", a comedy by Michael Z. Murphy, with "States of Play".
----And "A Chance" was awarded BEST DIRECTION in the Toronto Feedback Female Film Festival. --Here's link for the interview I gave about the film-https://matthewtoffolo.com/2023/11/21/filmmakers-jillie-simon-ange-arabatzis-a-chance/
-----Happy to be cast in the feature film "Ruxton Hills", a horror film by Marvalee Peart, playing the role of Samantha Cavanaugh. Shoot date is currently slated for April 2024.
-----And just did an interview with Valerie Merino of the Hollywood Times, spotlighting our film "Hungry" for Hunger Action Month. Here's the link --https://thehollywoodtimes.today/thomas-jillie-simon-speak-up-with-child-hunger-with-their-film-hungry/
-----"A Chance" is an Official Selection of the New York Independent Film Festival and will be available online from Sept. 4 - 6. And "A Chance" also received a beautiful review from "FilmNet", which is on the press page. --------------A couple of excerpts- "As Mia (Jillie Simon) and Caroline (Karen Irwin) navigate through their resurrected conflicts and burgeoning sparks, the audience is treated to a masterclass in acting. The performances are nuanced and deeply affecting, with each actress bringing a raw vulnerability to her role." ------ "a cinematic gem"
----- "A Chance" screened at CineMark 18 and XD in Marina Del Rey, on June 14th, as part of the Marina Del Rey Film Festival.
-----And I played Sandy, a "relationship robot" in the hilarious sci-fi satire "Erosbot", by Tom Nevin, in a staged reading at Smush Gallery, Jersey City on June 4th. Also starring Ken Forman, Rachael Parenta, Tom Paolino. Plans are in the works for a pod-cast of the series.
----Performed the role of Nicole in powerful new drama "Home Sick" by Jon Marans in a table read at The Barrow Group, NYC. Nicole's sister Ember was played by Bettina Bilger, and Sal Rendino played Ember's husband in this play about childhood abuse and memory.
---Did a table read of Richard Lyons Conlon's short play "Is, Was, Isnt' at The Greenhouse Ensemble, playing the role of Hal, a "smart-ass" AI.
-----CrossWays Theatre’s Women’s Festival, which was re-scheduled to April 30th, played to a packed house/wonderful appreciative audience! ------ I performed a piece I wrote- “Stand Up”, a comedic rant- and also played the lead role of Kati Rado, in Act 1 of Lionelle Hamanaka’s play “Refuge(e)”, directed by Michelle Macau, based on a true story. Kati was a film star, writer, concentration camp escapee and partisan fighter from Hungary who fled to the U.S. ---The other terrific, award-winning playwrights in the festival were Bina Sharif, Kathleen Potts and Carol Kahn.
-----My film "A Chance" was selected to and screened in the Beyond Hollywood International Film Festival in LA, April 21st, at the Regal LA Live Theaters. I was honored to be one of the 2 actresses who were nominated for Best Actress, and happy that "A Chance" was nominated for Best LGBTQ film.
-----Also did 2 readings from 2 wonderful new plays, the hilarious "Scammers Scamming" by Michael DiGaetano, and the touching "The Macaroni Maker" by Leslie Corn" -- and also performed in a fun short comedy "Rich Pickings" by Rex Macgregor in the AndTheater Company's "Anything Goes" series.
-----"Hair of the Dog" moving forward! Did a table read with director Alan Souza, and playwright Tim Young, of his very funny screwball comedy. Looking forward to next steps.
----- I had the pleasure of playing Mrs. Cheveley in Oscar Wilde's "An Ideal Husband" as Guest Artist with Chicago's Ubiquitous Players, online.
And have been asked to do a solo piece for Crossways Theater's Women's Festival, which will be Sunday March 26th from 2:00 - 5:00. More details to come ---the festival is postponed, due to COVID - Rescheduled date is TBA
-----I was honored to receive a Best Actress award for my work in "A Chance" at the Cutting Room International Short Film Festival 2023, in addition to having a warmly received and well-attended screening the day before.
-----And performed in a reading of Richard Lyons Conlin's short play "Covid Cohab" in an online showcase of new Short Plays with Chicago's Ubiquitous Players.
-----Also performed in an online reading of Rex McGregor's play "All's Fair in Tug of War" in AndTheatre's online series "Anything Goes".
DECEMBER 2022: -
----- "A Chance" is a nominee in the Cutting Room International Short Film Festival, NYC - our 22nd fest - and will be screening on January 29, 2023
---And I did a table read of "My Life in Three Easy Payments" a terrific pilot script by Breeze Vicenz and Darryl Wharton-Rigby, in which I play Valerie Milton, a QVC host.
-----A wild comedy I'm in, "Gail's New Boyfriend", directed by Jim Mendrinos (New Media Comedy) has received distribution from GreenApple Entertainment- now a feature film, it's streaming on Amazon Prime and FreeVee. I play Trish, a news anchor.
---A Chance will screen Nov. 30th at The Chinese Theater in Hollywood, CA. part of HollyShorts Screening Series - & then will be on their BitPix Channel Dec. 1 - 4 - BitpixTV.com
-A Chance also screened Nov. 13th at the Laemmle Monica Theater in Santa Monica, as part of the Ethos Film Awards
-----Was offered a role in an industrial video for IntraLinks- "IntraVision", by Tim Young, directed by Nicholas Strini, which we shot in late October.
-----"A Chance" screened on Friday Oct. 21st at the Long Island Film Festival, where we won a Best Actress award and were also nominated for Best ScreenPlay, Produced.
-----I'll be performing in an online workshop reading of "The Man With The Floppy Ears", a comedy/mystery by Elwhy Jones & Philip Reissman, produced by Carolyn M. Brown of the My True Colors Festival on August 7th. - Set in the '30's, I play Anna Bach, a nightclub singer and Lefty Ledowitz, a Russian gangster's accomplice and wife.
-----And "A Chance" has been selected to screen in the fabulous 2022 CINEMA DIVERSE: The LGBTQ+ PALM SPRINGS FILM FESTIVAL, now in it's 15th year, which will take place starting on Sept. 15, 2022; screening date is Sept. 18.
-----"A Chance" has been invited to screen in HOLLYSHORTS Online Screening Series coming up this November! --HollyShorts is on MovieMaker Magazine's Top 50 Film Festivals list...screening Nov. 30, online, Dec. 1 -4
-----And I was invited to perform in two new pieces in Chicago's Ubiquitous Players online Zoom event Monologia IV -- 26 playwrights, 18 actors.
-----I've been performing in more wonderful short plays, including Rex MacGregor's homage to film noir in which I played a glam socialite in AndTheater Company's online series, and Jenifer Kelly's short comedic piece, "Ladies Night", playing a regretful adulterer.
-----Also doing developmental readings of Donald Loftus's new play "Theatre", based on Somerset Maugham's novel "Theatre", playing the protagonist, Julia.
-----Doing lots of play readings on Zoom, including John Esposito's short comedic play "God", in which I played a former starlet at the pearly gates in AndTheatre Company's "Anything Goes" series and "Shul Shopping" at the "Plays and Pizza" reading series, where I played a loving daughter helping her Dad after his stroke.
-----My film "A Chance" was an Official Selection of Toronto Film Magazine's film festival and of Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema - and we were awarded the Mary Austin Excellence in Screenwriting Award! And I also received a Best Actress nomination, as well as nominations for Best Featurette, and Best Director.
---And I'll be performing in Art Feinglass's play "Jacob's Stepladder" at Polaris North on April 20th, 7 pm, part of the short play series Plays and Pizza (Polaris North, 4th floor, 245 W. 29th St., NYC)
JANUARY 2022: Happy New Year all!
Had a wonderful time working with Ken Forman and Tal Shamir, and playing Kim, a thoroughly unhelpful rep at Carnival Cruise, at the shoot of "New Moon".
DECEMBER 2021: I've been cast in Ken Forman's web-series "New Moon" and will be playing a supporting role in the first episode, shooting in January 2021.
--And just played Jilly the Goatherder in a sweet and funny short play ""Don't Trip-Trap on My Lonely Heart" by Robin Rice, (very) loosely based on the Norwegian fairy tale "Three Billy Goats Gruff", part of "Plays & Pizza", directed by Art Feinglass.
NOVEMBER: Our film "Hungry" was invited to screen at the Skiptown International Film Festival, CA, and was awarded 'Best Film with a Message.
--Back in NYC, reading for new comedy "Hair of the Dog" by Tim Young went wonderfully (for more on that, see the Oct. news below).
OCTOBER - I've been cast in new comedy "Hair of the Dog", by Tim Young, playing the lead female role of Juliet, an actress, loved by two rivalrous brothers. The play is projected to start it's run at the WestBank Theater, NYC in 2022.
---And our film "A Chance" will be at the fabulous Awareness Festival next (our 16th fest!) -- Screening date is Saturday Oct. 30th, 2 pm block at the Regal Cinemas, LA Live. --Update: "A Chance" was honored with an Award of Merit.
--And Thomas Simon and I were invited back as Guest Artists on UK radio podcast Y.H.H.T.M. , which was a lot of fun - and which you can hear, here-- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O_tm9T5XVCk&feature=youtu.be
SEPTEMBER - Filmed Marvalee Peart's proof of concept short "Skylife", playing Diana Spencer, head flight attendant, along with Jim Thalman who plays the Captain (BTS photo, from the set of "SkyLife", is above right).
---And was spotlit by the fab Venice Paparrazzi, on their front page, in an interview in advance of "A Chance"'s screening in Venice, CA, at the legendary Beyond Baroque, part of the 2021 Other Venice Film Festival on Sat. Oct. 2nd at 7:45 pm. Here's link- - ( -& BTS photo from "A Chance, is above left) - https://www.venicepaparazzi.com/2021/09/01/jilliesimon2021/ --"The Incoherents”, in which I play Chrissie, Keith the bass-player's loving girlfriend, & which stars Jeff Auer, Annette O'Toole, Kate Arrington, Amy Carlson, will be the Opening Night feature film, 8 pm.
---I was also interviewed by Carmela Baranowska for the wonderful site "We are Moving Stories on "A Chance" - here's link to that - https://www.wearemovingstories.com/.../kmrr432h25yct34pf2...
AUGUST --- I was interviewed on Entertainment Network Live, by Oliver Estreich - here's link to the interview - - https://www.thenativesociety.com/questionables/2021/7/30/jillie-simon-actor-producer-writer-singersongwriter-amp-director
--And more airplay! --In the UK -Was spotlit as Artist of the Week on "You Haven't Heard This Music" podcast --a fun, entertaining podcast “spotlighting lesser known music that’s easily on par- as good if not better- than that in the mainstream” -You can check out the interview & song -"Save Our Planet", Thomas Simon on guitar, keys, bass & the Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Indigo Girls) on drums & percussions--here - https://www.spreaker.com/user/yhhtmpc/jillie-thomas-simon ---& here’s another episode of the podcast w/ our song as well other cool songs, here - https://www.spreaker.com/.../midnight-live-todays-new...
JULY ---Performed in a reading of a new two-person comedy by Rex McGregor called "Welcome to Belarus"
--Our short film "A Chance" will be screening in the Brighton Rocks Film Festival on July 19 - 25, it will be online only, because of COVID - https://www.rocksfestivals.com/screenings-2021.html -- please stay well and safe all, and get vaxxed if your health allows it!!
-----"A Chance" has been selected to ReelheART International Film Festival, nominated for Best Short Film and Best LGBT Film, screening in Toronto, Canada, online July 8th. -- www.reelheart.org .
-----"A Chance" was honored with the Best Ensemble award at the Brightside Film Festival!
-----We've also begun receiving airplay on the show "Heartbeat" on FM4, Austria's alternative rock station, for our new song "Save Our Planet" (that I'd written with Thomas Simon, and on which the amazing Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Indigo Girls) plays drums. Here's link to the show, which also includes songs from Morcheeba, Radiohead, Nick Drake, Liz Phair, Regina Spector, Stevie Nicks, etc. - https://fm4.orf.at/player/20210531/4HE
MAY --------Our short film "A Chance" has gotten into the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival which will be online, May 10 - 15th, and will also be at the Brightside Film Festival (LIVE!) on Sun. May 16th (where it's been nominated for BEST ACTRESS/DRAMA- Jillie Simon, BEST DRAMA, BEST SCRIPT/PRODUCED , and BEST ENSEMBLE.
----------------We've also been given early acceptance at Brighton Rocks Film Festival, Brighton, England, which will take place this July and which will be "A Chance"'s 14th festival!
APRIL ----I was interviewed on IndieVisible's podcast which will be released in June, along with a review of my film "Hungry". -Will post links when I get them.
---I've been cast in a new indie pilot - "SkyLife", by MarvaLee Peart, in one of the lead roles (Diana Spenser, the head stewardess). - We'll be shooting some scenes for a proof-of-concept short this coming Sept. 2021.
--- Released a new song, "Save Our Planet", created with Thomas Simon (my brilliant musical partner, composer and producing partner), and with the amazing Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel, Sarah McLachlan, Paul McCartney, Joan Armatrading, Indigo girls) on drums & percussions, & it is now available on Pandora, Spotify, I-Tunes, Apple Music, etc- here's link- - https://jilliesimon.hearnow.com/?fbclid=IwAR05b7JVMLpqC0kejvpc0fAgieUaPLUO9bYbaayxL9aYRRtqhcyOBC2UEpA
---And ran the Socially Relevant Film Festival's Script Competition once again -& the Online Reading of excerpts from the 5 Finalist Scripts took place on Monday March 15th at 5:30 PM. The audience gave beautiful and very enthusiastic feedback. Congratulations to all! --On the SRFF webpage you can see the script names and their authors, loglines and full cast. https://www.ratedsrfilms.org/scriptwriting-finalists-2021
I was cast as one of the lead characters, Liza Antonio, a happily divorced owner of a hair salon, in a new indie tv series called "The Proxy Cure", a lovely dramedy by Marie Smalley. And two of my scenes were shot this month for the sizzle reel.
Happy New Year all! -So glad it's 2021 -much more health, peace, love, light, prosperity, laughter and justice for all! ----And in my latest news, I recently gave an interview to the terrific film & food site Tinsel & Tine (12/30) - here's a lovely excerpt & the link --"Hungry is such a charming way to make a statement about a sad and all too real subject matter. And timely now more than ever, with so many being food insecure during the Pandemic." - Le Ann Lindsay.
--We've had more than 500,000 views of the trailer so far, and wonderful response after the release of our film by distribution company IndiePix Films in late Sept.
October 2020:
--Shot my part, one of the lead roles, in "Bitter Cup", part of feature film “9ine Lives” a horror anthology of shorts - and happy to be working once again with wonderful writer-director Thomas Ryan Ward (whose screwball comedy/farce "As Seen on TV", I'd performed in a staged reading of ) and actor/producer Grayson Berry.
---Our latest film "A Chance" screened Sunday Oct. 18th at the ShowLow Film Festival in Arizona, with multiple nominations.
Our film "Hungry" was released by IndiePix Films and is now streaming worldwide-- here's the landing page -https://www.hungry.movie
-I will be reading scripts for the Socially Relevant Film Festival NY once again, my 5th year running the Script-writing Competition (-for which I always wish I was allowed a couple more finalist slots for some of the really terrific, socially relevant films I've had the pleasure of reading!)
"A Chance" was selected to the wonderful Brightside Tavern Shorts Fest Film Series, and has been nominated for BEST ACTRESS/DRAMA- Jillie Simon, BEST DRAMA, BEST SCRIPT/PRODUCED, and BEST ENSEMBLE. The festival's been postponed from August to a potential live date TBA - meanwhile, stay well & safe!
June: "Hungry" was acquired for distribution by the wonderful IndiePix Films - we'll keep you posted on the platforms it will be appearing on, as soon as we know...
-I participated in a Zoom table read of a new feature film by Thomas Castigliano...
-And our film "A Chance" screened in the online version of the 2020 Socially Relevant Film Festival Sat. June 27th - and the Socially Relevant Script Competition Finalist Staged Reading was moved onto a Zoom platform.
March: -I hope you are doing well during this unsettling and difficult/sad time, and staying healthy and creative. ---The 2020 Socially Relevant Film Festival has been postponed - the screening of my film "A Chance" and the Screenplay Competition Finalists Staged Reading that I'm directing and performing in, along with a wonderful ensemble of actors, will be moved to a date TBA.
---And rock & roll comedy “The Incoherents” (dir. Jared Barel), will be released by Gravitas Ventures on VOD April 28 after a terrific festival run- & the producers shared that we're one of the top selling pre-ordered films on iTunes! - https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-incoherents/id1501037491
---“Hungry”, nearing the end of it’s amazing festival run (--with a few events still to come- "Hungry" was going to be awarded at the Vegas Movie Awards in May, now postponed, and was invited to be one of the inaugural films in My Indie Short Festival in L.A. in Oct-) -— has been offered distribution by an awesome company- more details to come!
---Meanwhile I hope that you & your loved ones stay safe, healthy, cozy and creative amidst this unprecedented time. Love & light,
February 2020:
I’m directing the Socially Relevant Film Festival’s Staged Reading of the Screenplay Finalists again this year. I’ve cast 20 wonderful actors for the ensemble, which I’ll also be a part of, to read 12 page excerpts of terrific scripts, on March 17th. The scripts that in competition will be judged by a jury consisting of Robert Schenkkan ("All The Way"), Rachel Carey ("Ask for Jane") and a third, international judge.
My short film “A Chance” is also honored to be an Official Selection at the festival, to play Sat. March 21 at Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St., NYC
December 2019:
At the X World International Short Film Festival in Rome, Italy, I was honored to win an award for “Outstanding Actress” for my role in "Hungry", co-starring Eric Roberts, as well as winning “Outstanding Actress” for my role in our new film “A Chance”! --"Hungry" also won Directorial Excellence. And "A Chance”, also won an award for Best Drama -and was just selected to it's 10th festival.
--After winning numerous Best Feature Film awards at film festivals, the feature film "The Incoherents", directed by Jared Barel (with Amy Carlson & Annette O'Toole) - in which I played Chrissie, the supportive, yogini girlfriend to the bass player Keith (Walter Hoffman) - signed a distribution deal... more news about that TBA in 2020... Happy New Year all!!
"Hungry" just won Best Social Message Film at Festival Angaelica - & at the Vegas Movie Awards, we won Best Inspirational Film & I won a Best Actress award (14th award!), so "Hungry" will be screening at their Annual Festival event in Las Vegas in May --I was also nominated for Best Female Filmmaker for our new film "A Chance" at Glendale International Film Festival.
-Just did a reading of terrific writer/comedienne Elizabeth Croydon's new screenplay "District of Cannibis" at Val Kilmer's HelMel Studio, L.A.
-"A Chance" will screen at the Skiptown Playhouse, Los Angeles, this Mon. Oct. 28 at 4 pm.
-- I'll be doing a reading of another terrific screenplay, "KillSwitch" by Jackie Powell, as part of NY Women in Film & TV's New Works Lab Showcase on Wed. Oct. 30th at 6 pm
--& I've been featured in Broadway World's article on the upcoming Off Broadway show "Altered Minds" - https://www.broadwayworld.com/off-broadway/article/ALTERED-MINDS-Announces-AEA-Showcase-Cast-20191020
Just shot the role of Evelyn in "Entrapment" by writer/dir. Natalie Huggins, playing the manipulative ex-girlfriend in this two-hander on obsessive love and deception.
---Prior to that, I worked on an additional scene for the film "Summer of '70" by Sean O'Connor (a proof of concept short for the upcoming feature) in which I play Liz O'Brien, mother to the 15 year old protagonist.
----I've also been pinned for a Guest Star role in a CBS series----
----And my new film "A Chance" has been selected to the Skiptown Playhouse International Film Festival in Hollywood.
----And I've been asked to reprise my role in "Phone Friends", by Jonathan Josephson, dir. Judy Dodd, playing a lonely writer/comedian/blogger in the run of "Altered Minds", a collection of 10 minute plays, all with a theme relating to mental health, Nov. 29th - Dec. 8th at the American Theater of Actors, 314 W. 54th St., NYC.
"A Chance" was awarded Best LGBT Short or Feature at Action of Film Festival - and "Lost", a music video in which I played the lead performer, was awarded Best Musical.
-I played Mona Dibiassi in a scene in proof-of-concept short "Infiltration" for Marvalee Peart's FBI/Mafia mini-series "Infiltrated". And "Hungry" was invited into another festival! ---We'll screen as part of the Festival Angaelica this October which is part of the (newly branded) Catalyst Content Festival, formerly ITV Fest.
Our latest short film "A Chance" will be screening as part of the Action on Film Festival/AOF Megafest, on Friday, July 26th 6 pm block, Brendan Theater, Las Vegas, NV. Music video "Lost" (Thomas Simon), in which I play the Dream Muse, will be playing in the MegaFest as well - in the Hollywood Dreamz Film Festival - screening Thursday Aug. 1st., 10 pm. --And "Hungry" was chosen as a Finalist in Anabelle Munro's Most Important Films 2019.
I've been cast in The Alternative Theater Co.'s Altered Minds Reading Series of short plays, in "Warpaholics" and "Phone Friends" happening Monday, June 3rd at 7 pm -FREE event - here's link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/altered-minds-june-3rd-reading-tickets-61477370470?aff=efbeventtix --and I've also been cast in a short film "The Entrapment", writer-director Natalie Huggins. I'll be playing the one of the two leads - the manipulative ex-girlfriend of the protaganist. The shoot is scheduled for September 2019.
Did a staged reading of Thomas Ryan Ward's screwball comedy "As Seen On TV", in the role of playful socialite Victoria Lockwood, in the Dramatist Guild's "Footlight Series" at the Middletown Arts Center. --And our new film "A Chance" is an Official Selection in the Big Apple Film Festival 2019 Spring Edition ("25 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee", top "25 Coolest Film Festivals" & CBS New York's "5 Best Events in New York”) and will have it's World Premiere on Saturday May 18th, in the 8:15 block, Cinepolis Theater, 23rd St. at 8th Ave.
The play "The Silencer" was nominated for Best Play at WinterFest Theater Festival - here's a bit of the rave review in the Times Square Chronicles -"It is hard to single anyone out as they worked as a team. Rare and quite wonderful. Bravo...wonderful performances...a team working together like a well-oiled machine. ...top notch work."
-----"The Incoherents", rocknroll dramedy that I'm in, premiered at the Queens World Film Festival, nominated for Best Comedy, played next at the Garden State Film Festival, winning the award for the best Home-Grown Feature and will play next at the Soho International Film festival. -----And my film "Hungry" played it's 28th film festival in the Katra Film Series' SideBar Edition and was honored with Honorable Mention & Runner Up, Audience Choice Award.
Happy New Year, all!!!
--A dramedy I'm in, "Prince Harming" (dir. Marianne Hettinger), had it's premiere this month at the Big Apple Film Festival's Womens filmmaker Showcase - & also won Best Drama at Switzerland Intl. Film Festival. It will play next at the Idyllwild Film Festival.
---And I've been cast in a new black comedy, "The Silencer", by Howard Zuckerman, directed by Sarah MacDonnell, which will be part of the WinterFest Theater Festival playing at the Hudson Guild Theater, February 26, March 2nd and March 3rd. I'll be playing one of the lead roles of Detective Katie Hart in this dark and funny play. "Following his wife’s death at the hands of a negligent cell-phone-speaking driver, a man takes the law into his own hands by killing rude phone users."
For tickets, & more details, go to -http://newyorktheaterfestival.com/the-silencer/
Working on a new short I've been cast in, "Monkeys Hate Clowns", by Mauro Fernandez, a black comedy 'in the vein of "Fargo" and "Boogie Nights"'.
--And our film "A Chance" has been completed - the trailer is now on my Acting Reel & More Clips page (the 3rd clip, will be titled asap)
And I was honored this month to be interviewed by writer Yitzi Weiner, (Authority Magazine, Forbes, Inc., Huffington Post, etc) - just named by Medium as one of their top writers --here’s the interview --
I was interviewed the other week by the wonderful Raymond James for his show on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) which will be airing soon, details TBA... and "Hungry" will be screening at The Producers Club, as part of the World Film Fair, this Sunday evening, October 28th.
Honored -At the Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Festival I won the Best Actress award, and at the San Diego International Kids Film Festival, Hungry won the Make A Difference Award! --Meanwhile, "Hungry" has been Officially Selected to two more festivals, the Awareness Festival, happening late Sept./early Oct., specific date TBA, and the World Film Fair, which is late October... I was also cast in and shot a role on web-series "The Connection", dir. Andrew Froening. I'll be heading to Europe on Aug. 30th to mix our next film "A Chance" at top sound studio, T-On Studios in Vienna, and will be shooting the pilot of the upcoming mini-series"Infiltrated", in New York, in the Fall.
I've been asked to play a role in short film "Imitate The Sun" by Sean O'Connor, multi-Emmy Winner William Electric Black will direct, and the shoot is in August. This short will be used to garner interest in the feature film of the same name.
And the "Hungry" screening at the Long Island Intl. Film Expo went wonderfully -the next screening of Hungry will be at Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Fest, Sunday Aug. 5th, Jersey City, NJ -and I've been nominated for Best Actress, Alex Emanuel has been nominated for Best Actor and we also have a nomination for Best Ensemble! http://www.brightsidetavernfilmfestival.com/ ---"Hungry" has also been selected to the San Diego International Kids Film Festival, San Diego, CA - (which will be our 23rd film festival screening!) the fest is Aug. 24th - Aug. 26th - screening date is still TBA
The play I'm currently in, "Grace is Good" has been extended due to sold-out houses! --It will run until June 24th at Theater For the New City. Here's the link once again for tickets --- https://www.smarttix.com/Modules/Sales/SalesMainTabsPage.aspx?ControlState=1&SalesEventId=7627&DC= ----In other news, we had a table-read for the thriller "Infiltrated" by MarvaLee Peart, in which I'll now be playing the lead role of Mona DiBiassi, wife of Mafia boss, Sergio DiBiassi (Jim Thalman) - shooting will begin early October 2018. ----- "Hungry" got a write-up on the entertainment website The Knockturnal, article by Jake Alan King --- https://theknockturnal.com/film-review-hungry/ -----And another festival screening is happening for "Match", directed by Brian Siebert, we've been selected to the 2018 Albuquerque Film and Music Experience!
-Here's link for details on the play I'm currently in, "Grace is Good", by Claude Solnick, opening Thursday May 31st at the Theater For A New City -and for tickets --- https://www.smarttix.com/Modules/Sales/SalesMainTabsPage.aspx?ControlState=1&SalesEventId=7627&DC=
--And more festivals are coming up for "Hungry"! We have been Officially Selected to the Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE) , screening July 18th in Bellmore, N.Y., and have also been Officially Selected to the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival, end of July/August, exact dates TBA
Just wrapped on feature film "Beyond Adversity", writer/director Kaneesha Heath, which shot upstate in Corning, N.Y. - another wonderful team and experience! - And I've begun rehearsal for new play "Grace is Good", by Claude Solnik
---And short film "Match" directed by Brian W. Siebert, in which I play one of the leads, has just gotten into it's 3rd festival -it'll be playing at Cinema Village (22 E. 12 St.) in the Manhattan Film Festival on Sat. April 21st in the 7:00 pm block
--Lovely to have been interviewed by Dr. Steeve Copeau for the film site NYIHA [-NYIHA Media offers award-winning programming spanning artist interviews, current affairs and entertainment formats.] ----- Here's link- - http://www.nyiha.com/
--And I'm directing and performing in the SR Socially Relevant Film Festival 2019's Screenplay Finalist Readings - 7 wonderful scripts, 17 terrific actors- Thursday March 22nd, 3:30 pm at Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St., NYC
--I've been cast in a Poetry Electric Special Black History Event: RICHARD WESLEY - SCENES, SCRIPTS, & DELIVERED (I'M YOURS), Series Director: William Electric Black, FEB. 27TH - 7:30PM - La Mama, 66 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003
--I've also been cast in feature film "Beyond Diversity" by Kaneesha Heath in the role of Rebekah, pregnant & engaged to a war veteran with PTSD. -Terrific script, I'm excited to start filming in mid April.--And short film "Match", dir. Brian W. Siebert, in which I play one of the leads, is Official Selection at Bermuda International Film Festival!
--And I'll once again be directing the SR Socially Relevant Film Festival's Screenplay Finalist Readings- it's a pleasure to be gathering a cast of some of NYC's finest actors for seven terrific screenplays. The reading will be Thursday March 22nd, 3:30 pm at Cinema Village
--And another screening! -Hungry has been invited to screen in Artemis Women In Action Film Festival's "Family Matters" block at the Monica Laemmle Theater, Santa Monica, Los Angeles on Saturday April 27th - for tickets, go to http://www.artemisfilmfestival.com/2018-festival/2018-schedule/
January 2018 - A Very Happy New Year to all!! - peace & light, prosperity, health & joy
Was asked to play the lead role in short film "The Lift" by multi-award-winning writer/director Darva Campbell, shoot date, TBA
Performed in sketch comedy series Liquid Courage at Uprights Citizens Brigade, Chelsea
---"Hungry" is an Official Selection of the 2017 Glendale International Film Festival and will screen Friday October 20th at the UA8 Theater, 1919 Verdugo Blvd, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011 in the 2 pm Shorts Block
Cast in comedy series "Gail's New Boyfriend" in the role of Trisha, an anchorwoman at the local news station. Marcos Berrios & Jim Mendrinos, producers.
- And "Hungry" screened at the Brenden Theaters at the Palms Casino, Las Vegas as part of the Hollywood Dreamz Film Festival