Organizations & charities doing great jobs around the world

Here are a few of the organizations and charities that I love - value, support and recommend for the wonderful work that they're doing -- in alphabetical order --
- Action Against Hunger - - a global humanitarian organisation that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger
- A Well Fed World - - Plant based hunger solutions- a global shift towards plant-based foods more efficiently uses crops and natural resources to alleviate hunger, increase food security, and mitigate climate change.
- Amazon Watch- -Protecting the rainforest and our climate by supporting Indigenous peoples.
Center For Biological Diversity - -Working to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction... through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.
City Harvest - -Food rescue movement, feeding hungry New Yorkers, neighbors helping neighbors.
In Defense of Animals - - Makes a difference for animals all over the world through hard-hitting campaigns, direct rescue, and sanctuary care.
International Fund For Animal Welfare - - Works around the globe to rescue and rehabilitate animals, end illegal wildlife trade, and secure critical landscapes. Helping animals and people thrive together.
Lola ya Bonobo - - The world’s only organization to provide a sanctuary for orphaned bonobos - and successfully release them in the wild. Bonobos, live in matriarchal societies that have evolved to avoid fighting.
Oxfam International - http://www.oxfam.or/en -A global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. Helping people build better futures for themselves, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters.
Ocean Conservancy - - Working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.
Planned Parenthood & Planned Parenthood International - - provides vital reproductive healthcare, sex education and information in the US and globally
PLAN - - An international development and humanitarian nonprofit that partners with supporters, adolescent girls and children around the world to overcome oppression and gender inequality with dignity, opportunity and safety.
Rainforest Action Network - - Working to preserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.
SPCA International - -Global animal rescue
RAICES - - Providing legal help for refugees
- Action Against Hunger - - a global humanitarian organisation that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger
- A Well Fed World - - Plant based hunger solutions- a global shift towards plant-based foods more efficiently uses crops and natural resources to alleviate hunger, increase food security, and mitigate climate change.
- Amazon Watch- -Protecting the rainforest and our climate by supporting Indigenous peoples.
Center For Biological Diversity - -Working to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction... through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.
City Harvest - -Food rescue movement, feeding hungry New Yorkers, neighbors helping neighbors.
In Defense of Animals - - Makes a difference for animals all over the world through hard-hitting campaigns, direct rescue, and sanctuary care.
International Fund For Animal Welfare - - Works around the globe to rescue and rehabilitate animals, end illegal wildlife trade, and secure critical landscapes. Helping animals and people thrive together.
Lola ya Bonobo - - The world’s only organization to provide a sanctuary for orphaned bonobos - and successfully release them in the wild. Bonobos, live in matriarchal societies that have evolved to avoid fighting.
Oxfam International - http://www.oxfam.or/en -A global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. Helping people build better futures for themselves, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters.
Ocean Conservancy - - Working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.
Planned Parenthood & Planned Parenthood International - - provides vital reproductive healthcare, sex education and information in the US and globally
PLAN - - An international development and humanitarian nonprofit that partners with supporters, adolescent girls and children around the world to overcome oppression and gender inequality with dignity, opportunity and safety.
Rainforest Action Network - - Working to preserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.
SPCA International - -Global animal rescue
RAICES - - Providing legal help for refugees